When you get into a place of wilderness warfare, you learn over time that you will never win by trying to reason it out, speak against it in your own words and strength, nor can you overcome it by trying to overcome it. I can assure you that doing those things is just going to create strongholds in your mind that the enemy will build, and we’ll talk more about that later.
God is using the opposition to change your image from just being a child of God to being a warrior enforcing the Lord’s victory! I remember being in a time of prayer and I envisioned myself kneeling at the Lord’s feet and I said, “Lord I am yours and I kneel at your feet in worship of You.” To which He replied, “Daughter, I don’t want you kneeling at My feet, I want you to rise up and stand by My side and learn to rule and reign with Me!” This was spoken during the heat of battle in the wilderness. Then I had a clear vision of me standing beside Jesus, with my hand in His, with warrior gear on, confident and in complete control with His conquering power! I went from feeling helpless at His feet to standing beside Him in His majesty and rulership of all. I understood at that moment that life down here is my boot-camp-training for ruling in eternity.
Be prepared for this onslaught during the wilderness;
The realm of darkness will attack your understanding of God. The demonic realm will say things like, “God is withholding good things from you.” (Exactly what he said to Eve in the garden). “God doesn’t really love you, He’s not who He says He is, His character and nature isn’t what you think. He’s not listening; He’s sitting on His hands doing nothing for you.” All lies of course, and they will be hitting your emotions at the same time they plant these thoughts. (The demonic realm on assignment will be speaking to you. It’s likely not Satan himself, as he’s busy working in the White House and with other national leaders around the world. He is not omnipresent - he cannot be in more than one place at one time, like God can.)
The realm of darkness will attack the Word of God. There is a huge demonic assault against the Bible! Lies like, “It doesn’t apply to us today, it’s just a history book, it’s not alive and powerful, you don’t need it because you’ve got Jesus the living Word,” and on and on it goes. Ask yourself a question, “If the Bible isn’t the inspired inerrant word of God given to us by the Holy Spirit as He moved upon men to write, then why is there so much assault against it?” Exactly! It’s one of your main keys to victory! Without it, you have no roadmap to get out of the wilderness. And, my friend, many people have died in the wilderness because they put down their map and believed the lies.
The realm of darkness will attack your identity. Things will pop into your head like, “Are you really saved? You’re so weak and powerless, surely you aren’t full of the Holy Spirit. And the biggie ~ look at your past, how can God work through you? ” And the onslaught can be very vicious. It was for me! But then let’s go back to my original prayer, “Lord, make me rock solid in my identity.” At that time, I thought I was pretty stable in it and just needed a bit more! But my loving Father, heard me, knew I meant it, and He also saw the cracks in my identity foundation and what was head knowledge and what places were settled as truth in my being.
For the word of God is living and active and full of power [making it operative, energizing, and effective]. It is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating as far as the division of the soul and spirit [the completeness of a person], and of both joints and marrow [the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and judging the very thoughts and intentions of the heart (Hebrews 4:12, AMP).