The Ananias & Sapphira situation (Acts 5:1-11), makes you shake your head and say, “What!!?”
Our problem lies in the fact that we think of death as final and absolute. Ecclesiastes 7:17 says, “Do not be overly wicked, nor be foolish: Why should you die before your time?” People can die prematurely. This is what happened to Ananias & Sapphira. I don’t think they were unbelievers who went to hell. I think they were believers and went to heaven.
They were bringing the financial proceeds of their land sale to the apostles, something that many believers were doing with the launch of the New Testament church, including Barnabas (Acts 4:34-37). Peter did not bring any curse down upon them. He simply discerned from the Holy Spirit that Ananias had lied about the amount that the land sold for, giving the impression they were giving it all to the Lord. In so doing, he lied to the Holy Spirit. Ananias responded to Peter’s “word of knowledge” and dropped dead … maybe from a heart attack. Now Peter knows from the word of knowledge and Ananias’ response, that Ananias lied about the land sale. When his wife, Sapphira, arrives, he questions her to see if she was in on the deception. She was. He now pronounces the same fate on Sapphira as her husband had received.
Again, I don’t believe this couple were unbelievers and therefore came under God’s judgment. They were operating as believers. Ananias died in response to Peter’s Word of Knowledge, and Sapphire died because of Peter’s pronouncement. They died prematurely. I believe we’ll see them in heaven one day. So, it wasn’t God’s judgment; it may have been His discipline. The results were: “So great fear came upon all the church and upon all who heard these things” (Acts 5:11). Even the unbelievers now had a reverence for God and His people: “Yet none of the rest dared join them, but the people esteemed them [the believers] highly.” (Acts 5:13).