In my previous blog, I mentioned the one thing I knew I had to hold on to was my roadmap out of the wilderness, my Bible. While the battle was raging in my mind and heart, the world was changing and what I had seen in those demonic dreams was actually happening before my eyes. COVID became a household word in January of 2020. Masks were worn, families were torn apart, voices were silenced, we were shut down, shut in, many churches closed and some pastors were arrested for not closing. Isolation, manipulation, intimidation, and condemnation became the world we lived in. Families and friends were hateful to one another over whether you should or shouldn’t take the COVID shots and there was great division in our nation. The demonic had been unleashed in other ways as well. Perversion was openly promoted in our media, schools were inundated with pornography being shoved onto our children. The promotion of Satanism and witchcraft were portrayed in movies, in the music industry, and media like never before. The rights of parents were being suppressed, sex-trafficking was increased with the USA's new open border policies, voices of righteousness or voices that opposed the current government began to get imprisoned. FBI agents broke into people’s homes that were standing for anti-abortion, or the right to bear arms, and so on, and brutally handcuffed them in front of their own children.
Through the midst of all of this, I was laying on the floor before God saying, “Lord this just isn’t right! I hate this world we are living in! I want it to be like it was again when I was a child. I want it to be righteous, protective, loving for children, God honoring in our homes and schools. I want families restored, and homes rebuilt to be as you designed. I want people’s identities to be in you and you alone, and I want our nation to be “One nation under God” again!
The Lord spoke back to me and said, “What you long for is heaven and you shall have it one day, but not now.” I quoted a scripture to my husband as we were talking and I said “but we’ve been delivered from the kingdom of darkness.” To which he corrected me, “Babe, that’s not what the Bible says. It says we’ve been delivered from the POWER of darkness.” (Colossians 1:13) Awe! A lightbulb moment! The realm of darkness isn’t going away because Satan’s kingdom is on earth, BUT we, God’s children, have been delivered from its power and it has no control over us! So, I had to adjust my mindset and understand we have been left here, in the midst of the rule of darkness, to be His shining lights, to speak His Kingdom rule and reign on the earth, and to be His ambassadors for our true Kingdom ~ the Kingdom of the Son of His love! We have been born for such a time as this.
Now my cry to God was different, “How Father, do I walk in this world full of darkness as a light? How do I not get my feet dirty walking in a cesspool of demonic aggression? How do I battle these mental onslaughts that are coming against my mind? How do I steady my identity in nothing but you alone? How do I keep my life firm on the Solid Rock of Jesus?”
There is only one way to live this kind of victorious life ~ Holy Spirit!