Dear Basuraj Bhai, The Bible does not support infant or baby baptism. This is a church tradition that has been handed down from the Roman Catholic Church. It is clear throughout the entire New Testament that it was always an adult audience who were receiving instructions to be baptized. Although we read about families that were baptized, we do not know the ages of the children within those families.
When God sent Philipp to the desert to intercept the Ethiopian official and share the Gospel with him, he gave the Ethiopian one requirement for getting baptized, “If you believe with all your heart, you may.” To which the official replied, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God” (Acts 8:37). Water baptism is for believers. It’s an outward demonstration of what has already taken place spiritually, on the inside. It’s a public declaration that you have surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Babies or infants are not able to “believe with all your heart” nor are they able to confess that “Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”
I understand the intent of the parents when they have a baby baptized. However, it leads to confusion for the individual when that person becomes older and wants to make that decision for themselves. It would be better for the parents to dedicate their child to God in a ceremony as a testimony to others that they want to raise their child in the ways of the Lord.
There is no problem with God if you want to be re-baptized now that you are an adult, understand what baptism is all about, and want to make that decision for yourself. Water baptism does not save you, so it has no effect on your salvation. You have already received eternal life whether or not you get re-baptized.
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