Discover Your Spiritual Gifts With Our FREE Assessment Tool

Take the Spiritual Gifts Assessment

Identify Your Spiritual Gifts. Walk in Your God-Given Purpose.

Ready to discover the unique gifts given to you by the Holy Spirit? Take our FREE Spiritual Gifts Assessment, which will empower you to…

Understand and embrace your God-given gifts

Serve and lead the body of Christ

Walk in your spiritual calling

Uncover your purpose and direction


What Are Spiritual Gifts?

The Bible tells us that spiritual gifts are given to every believer by the Holy Spirit so we can build up, encourage, and edify the body of Christ. Many of these gifts outlined in Scripture can be found in 1 Corinthians 12 and Romans 12:4-8:

Words of Wisdom



Discernment of Spirits


Words of Knowledge


Speaking in Tongues







Interpreting Tongues

Learn How You Were Created to Manifest God’s Love

As believers, we are called to impact the body of Christ and love others through the manifestation of our spiritual gifts. 1 Corinthians 12:7 reminds us that these gifts are given for the profit of all. Whether through prophetic encouragement, healing, faith, or leadership, your spiritual gifts play a vital role in building up believers. Embrace your gifts and let them be a beacon of hope and love to those around you.

How The Assessment Works

Our Spiritual Gifts Assessment is designed to help you uncover your divine calling and purpose. Simply answer a series of 30 statements (without overthinking), and let the Holy Spirit guide you. Upon completion, you'll receive personalized insights into your primary and secondary spiritual gifts along with a detailed description of each. 


Discover Your Spiritual Gifts. 

Let’s Get Started!

Begin the Assessment

Answer each statement (don’t overthink it). 

Get your results delivered to your inbox!

What People Are Saying

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This Spiritual Gift Assessment reinforced the previous evaluations that I have done before. I am more encouraged to allow God to work through my spiritual gifts. I appreciate the opportunity to reaffirm the gifts that God has placed in me. It was effortless to take and super quick to get the results. Thank you so much!

Rod N. Rowlett, TX

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I was not surprised that my first gift was mercy and my second was acts of service. I have seen these gifts operating in my life regularly. Taking the assessment encouraged me to use my gifts with a greater degree of confidence and joy, knowing that I was doing exactly what I was created to do.

Bobbie B. Venus, TX

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Other people have told me what they thought my spiritual gifts were, but I never took it seriously. I thought everyone had these gifts. I was blown away when your Spirit Gifts Assessment delivered the same results! Now I’m taking it seriously and praying for opportunities to use these gifts. Thanks for the assessment!

Randel H. Queensland, Australia

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After taking your spiritual gift assessment and having it confirmed that I have a prophetic gift, my faith has soared and taken me to new levels of conquering doubt and using my gift. I have flowed by faith and given prophetic words to others and found them to be completely accurate. I am so grateful for this assessment and how it has given me increased ministry in the body of Christ.

Ellen, Colorado Springs, CO

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The timeliness of your evaluation stimulated me to ask myself how well I was positioned and motivated to serve,
given the imminent harvest. The results have caused me to reflect on how wholeheartedly I have been serving, and I
realized that I have been coasting spiritually. It has been an important wake-up! Thanks for developing this resource
and making it available for the Body of Christ!

Douglas R. ACT, Australia

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The assessment was soooo helpful! I’ve always known that I hear from the Lord in specific ways and your
assessment just confirmed that. I am currently in a Bible study that’s studying how to hear the Lord; your
assessment was very timely. I plan to be a better listener and I’m learning more how to recognize His voice.

Sheila E. Maryland, TX

Meet The Founders: Byron & Leesa Hamilton

Byron and Leesa Hamilton are the founders of 5G Ministries and 5G Reformation Church in Venus, Texas. Byron is an apostolic teacher who has pioneered several ministries internationally, with a vision to see church leadership move from the CEO model to the 5-fold ministry leadership team as outlined in the book of Acts. Leesa is the former director of Charis Bible College, Australia, as well as the founder of Kingdom University, an online school of discipleship. Together, Byron and Leesa are passionate about discipling believers to live from their identity in Christ. They live in Midlothian, Texas, and love spending time with their family and 4 grandchildren. 


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